Discover what role the DGUV-V3 management fulfills under the Compliance menu.
DGUV-V3 Status
Due to the increasing importance of effective compliance management and its associated benefits, we have introduced a new Compliance section in ExpoCloud.
To use this section, users must be assigned the role of Compliance Manager in the user management system. As of the current status (September 3, 2024), this function is not associated with any additional licensing costs.
With the release of 2024.08.15, the DGUV-V3 Management has been added to the Compliance section. Within this area, users can choose between the following functionalities:
- DGUV-V3 Status (This is the analysis view)
- DGUV-V3 Inspection (This is the workflow for commissioning DGUV-V3 inspections)
In this view, you receive an overview of all your trade show components that are equipped with electrical connections and thus fall under the DGUV-V3 standard.
The Status view provides the following information at a glance:
- Article Number
- Description of the Article
- Electrical Power Consumption of the Article in Watts
- Inventory (This reflects the total stock, not just the currently available inventory)
- Date of Last DGUV-V3 Inspection (If the date is January 1, 1999, the article has never been inspected)
- Date of Next DGUV-V3 Inspection (This is the deadline for when the article can be used in trade shows while remaining compliant with DGUV-V3 standards).
Filter for DGUV Inspection Due
In the Status view, the DGUV Inspection Due button allows you to filter the view to only show items whose next inspection is overdue.
You will only see items where the "Next Inspection Date" has passed. These items should be inspected as soon as possible, or alternatively, blocked from use at trade shows to avoid compliance violations.
Excel Export
Of course, ExpoCloud also allows easy export of list views within the Compliance section.For instance, if you want to export a list of all articles due for DGUV-V3 inspection, you can use the Excel Export button to download the list and analyze it offline.
Commissioning DGUV-V3 Inspections
In the analysis view, you can also switch directly to the DGUV-V3 Inspection workflow to commission inspections.
This process is labeled as DGUV-V3 Inspection.
DGUV-V3 Inspection Workflow
The DGUV-V3 Inspection area enables compliance officers to commission the inspection of electrical devices according to the DGUV-V3 standard in two simple steps.
Step 1: Select Articles
- Using the DGUV Inspection Due button, you can filter the system for articles whose "Next Inspection Date" has passed.
- Next, simply select the articles you wish to commission for inspection.

- Using the Check-Out button, you will be directed to the order page.
Step 2: Order Page
- In this step, fill in the fields "Reference 1" and "Order Number/Cost Center" with the values that apply to your organization.
- If your organization uses the budget module, you can also select the corresponding budget.
- Additionally, if multiple billing recipients are registered, you can choose the appropriate one.
- Finally, by clicking Submit, you can commission the inspection.