DGUV inspection

Find out here how you can order a DGUV test of your electronic devices via ExpoCloud

Why a DGUV inspection? 

There are numerous laws, regulations and standards for maintaining safe operation. An essential aspect of this is the testing of electrical equipment in accordance with DGUV Regulation 3. It serves to prevent accidents and came into force on 01 April 1979, initially under the name VBG 4 and BGV A3. However, nothing has changed in terms of content even after the renaming to DGUV Regulation 3. According to §3 of DGUV Regulation 3, every company is obliged to carry out the inspection. The criteria, procedures and deadlines for testing electrical equipment are clearly regulated in standards and regulations and are intended to protect employees, customers and the company itself from harm. 

Order process


The ordering process for DGUV examinations can be accessed in ExpoCloud via the module:
Shop->DGUV Examination'' module





The ordering process is quite simple and consists of 2 views:

Order view


  1. Selection boxes of the individual articles
  2. Article numbers (your 5-digit customer number - article number)
  3. Due date of the next DGUV test
  4. Button for check-out


Check-out view


  1. Reference for easy allocation in your company
  2. a field for entering a purchase order number or cost centre
  3. Budget selection
  4. Billing address selection
Completion of the order
As usual, you will then receive an order confirmation by e-mail with a PDF to file in your records.