myWWM/Expocloud Release Note 2018.05.10

Release notes for myWWM/Expocloud Version 2018.05.10

New features:

  • Introduction of the "Book event beta" workflow with the rental item availability / eventequipment availability module.
  • Addition of a new function in the article management to reduce article quantities in a set for the current order once.
  • New "Included items" fast tab in item management that lists all set components.
  • Setting the "Quantity Modifiable" option for each set component to determine if the quantity may be edited or reduced by the user.


  • Ability to reduce irrelevant set components as needed for the current order to ensure availability of critical equipment.
  • Clarification that quantities can only be reduced and the target quantity is the upper limit.
  • Hint to set the "quantity changeable" hook wisely to consider the relevance of the components to the set.